Aloevera plant |
Aloe Vera Plant:This plant has a variety of uses from ancient times.Its uses are uncountable.Now a days you may be surrounded by people on social media and other medias talking about advantages and uses of aloe vera plant.Yes, off course its advantages are diverse as it is used for skin betterment, hair problem's sloutions and it is used as a medicine for external and internal uses.
Contents In Aloe Vera:Aloe vera contains vit-A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. This also includes folic acid, lignin(penetrative properties), saponins (soapy substances+antiseptic properties), Aloin.
Best Benefits of Aloe Vera:
It helps in
preventing constipation because of laxative properties.
Laxative is very famous for flushing out the toxins out of the body, so when your large intestine is clean you will feel light and yes, you will feel that your
lower abdomin is shrinked/your waist is reducing.
It improves your
digestive system.
It contains
natural anti-oxidants.
It increases your
metabolic rate(breaking of fats into energy which ultimately helps in making building blocks of body)
Aloe Vera helps in Reducing weight:As you know that it has the properties of making digestive system good and it also cleans your body toxins so these two are most important things in loosing your body mass/weight.It will help you yto shed off extra pounds.
Method: The method is very simple you can simply consume the pulp of aloe Vera leaf. Cut the leaf from sides and the upper and lower green skin of the leaf because you don't need to consume it.the only useable part is the gel inside the leaf.you can take a teaspoon of gel with water in the morning and then consume the breakfast after an hour or half an hour.the gel will be bitter some how . but its also very good for the diabetic persons.
Method 2: As the taste of the raw aloe is bitter so you may consume it with your favorite fruit. Take any fruit you like and shake it with the Aloe gel.the taste will be better.like you can go for the
- strawbery and aloe(3 strawberries+1 tsp aloe gel=blend it in a blender)
- lemon and aloe(squeez one lemon and 1 teaspoon of gel+half glass of water blend it)
- kely and aloe(3 kely+1 tsp aloe gel=blend it)
Method 3: You may also make smoothie of the aloe with 2 or three fruits and veg.
Side effects of ALOE VERA:
Besides the benefits there are also the side effects of aloe vera plant which i also want to share.the continuous consumption of this plant may be bad for your health. as it has laxative properties so it may also lead you to loose motions and also there are the chances of muscle weakness. but again it may be the result of prolong usage of aloe vera.
- diarrhea
- abdominal cramps
- low potassium levels
- nausea
- vomiting
- allergic reactions
- dehydration
- weakness
Note: To loose weight you don't have to consume it on regular basis for months. just one month is more than enough then you can discontinue and may also continue it again for 15 days and then rest for a week and the consume it for a week. That's it, not more than that. consume just half a teaspoon a day not more than that.
some people are allergic to the aloe gel pregnant ladies, nursing mothers (breastfeeding),low blood pressure patients, hypoglycemia patients(low blood sugar levels) should not at all consume it. They should consult the doctor first. so that you don't face any type of health problem. because we concern your health the most.stay healthy and happy.
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