No-Carb Diet foods

FOODS YOU CAN EAT ON NO-CARB DIET: No carb diet as we all know that is a lot tougher in Asian countries to follow, as the carbs are the main source of food that they eat three times a day and also on special occasions there is massive use of carbohydrates in foods. If you want to lose weight you have to cut down the usage of carbs. This will definitely help you in losing weight. The basic limit of carb intake No-Carb is 20-30 carbs per day but you can enjoy other macronutrients as much as you want. Simply avoid all high carb foods as they will spike the insulin levels and are sources of fat restoration in your body. Let's see the high carb foods to avoid in No-Carb Diet: Whole Grains Refined grains Potato starch Corn  starch Milk Yogurt Fruits (except few berries) Bakery items Bread Sugar beverages Beans Legumes Pasta Peas Corn All underground vegetables( Like Turnip) List of foods to eat on the No-Carb diet: Meat Fish Chicken Eggs Cheese Butter Oil (not refined oils) Water Pai...

Slimming Chubby Cheaks

Hi,in this post i will tell you some more exercises about slimming your chubby cheeks. And you will definitely find some good material in that prospect. Every body have different face structure.some have oval, some have round and some have slim and long faces but the perfect face shape is V-shape. And every girl want to keep that shape to remain a good looking and girlie look. so here i am going to tell you some exercises to tone the face in V-Shape follow me.

  • message :firstly message the cheek bones round and round very softly with the tips of fingers and then message the muscles on your jaw Lock and gently move towards the chin.first do it in clockwise 5 times and then anti-clock wise 5 times. this is it.this will warm up your cheeks muscles.
  • fish mouth:okay now pose your face like fish.force your cheeks inside and keep your fish pose for at least one repeat it again and again for at least 5 times .

  • blow your cheeks:now fill the air inside your cheeks and keep it in this position as long as you can.and then relax your mouth.repeat this for 5 time.
  • Blow one cheek at time: Now fill the mouth with air and then transfer air from one cheek to another keeping mouth tightly close.keep the air in one cheek at a time and then transfer it to other cheek and keep it there for same time.keep air for at least one minute in one cheek.
  • wide mouth open: Open your mouth as much as you can.and keep it for as much time as you can.

  • eye stretching: open your eyes as much as you can this will stimulate the eye muscles .Do it as you are starring at some body ;)
  •  chew gum:yes this is a great exercise this involves all the muscles of mouth.but 


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