No-Carb Diet foods

FOODS YOU CAN EAT ON NO-CARB DIET: No carb diet as we all know that is a lot tougher in Asian countries to follow, as the carbs are the main source of food that they eat three times a day and also on special occasions there is massive use of carbohydrates in foods. If you want to lose weight you have to cut down the usage of carbs. This will definitely help you in losing weight. The basic limit of carb intake No-Carb is 20-30 carbs per day but you can enjoy other macronutrients as much as you want. Simply avoid all high carb foods as they will spike the insulin levels and are sources of fat restoration in your body. Let's see the high carb foods to avoid in No-Carb Diet: Whole Grains Refined grains Potato starch Corn  starch Milk Yogurt Fruits (except few berries) Bakery items Bread Sugar beverages Beans Legumes Pasta Peas Corn All underground vegetables( Like Turnip) List of foods to eat on the No-Carb diet: Meat Fish Chicken Eggs Cheese Butter Oil (not refined oils) Water Pai...

Drinks That Can Help You Loss Weight

 Hello today i am going to tell you something about the drinks which we usually called as Detox drinks which reduce your weight with less hard work. Drinks which reduce your weight are usually very hard to drink but they really are useful in making your body slim and smart.Detox drinks usually increase the metabolic rate which in turn increase your food digestion process which means less possibility of fat accumulation.fat melts automatically if you take more carbohydrates food rather than fatty follow the following drinks..but you have to be consistent in following the routine, otherwise it will be all in vain.
1) Lemon and water:This small size lemon is very use

full in loosing weight.use it daily in the morning in warm cup of water.but note that the water should not be hot it must be warm so that you can drink easily. The hot water may badly affect your stomach.but drink this detox drink daily.Then you may continue your any gym walk or exercise.It will speed up the fat melting process.
 2)Sweet limeta(sweet lemon /musammi)+grapefruit juice:yes, take one sweet lemon and one grapefruit and squeez them and drink this detox drink 4 days a week.this will be veryhelpfull to loss weight and this will also whiten your skin.
 3)Tomato juice: this juice is also very helpful use this with one cucumber and make juice of both .and drink this before going to bed.this will melt the fats very fast.


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