No-Carb Diet foods

FOODS YOU CAN EAT ON NO-CARB DIET: No carb diet as we all know that is a lot tougher in Asian countries to follow, as the carbs are the main source of food that they eat three times a day and also on special occasions there is massive use of carbohydrates in foods. If you want to lose weight you have to cut down the usage of carbs. This will definitely help you in losing weight. The basic limit of carb intake No-Carb is 20-30 carbs per day but you can enjoy other macronutrients as much as you want. Simply avoid all high carb foods as they will spike the insulin levels and are sources of fat restoration in your body. Let's see the high carb foods to avoid in No-Carb Diet: Whole Grains Refined grains Potato starch Corn  starch Milk Yogurt Fruits (except few berries) Bakery items Bread Sugar beverages Beans Legumes Pasta Peas Corn All underground vegetables( Like Turnip) List of foods to eat on the No-Carb diet: Meat Fish Chicken Eggs Cheese Butter Oil (not refined oils) Water Pai...

10 kg Weight Loss Soup Recipe


There are so many great recipes now a days on internet to loss weight. But the recipe i am sharing is my experience i have lost 10 kgs in a month with this soup. You may change the seasoning according to your taste buds. Its very simple to prepare.

Things Required:

1)Chicken               6 pieces(small with bones)
2)Cabbage             4 table spoons(chopped) /(band gobhee)
3)Carrot                 4 table spoons(choppped)/ (gajjar)
4)Green Onion       1 table spoon(chopped)white part/ (hara payaz)
5)Salt                      As required/ (namak)
6)Black Pepper      2 pinches /(kali mirchai)
7)White Vinegar      1 table spoon/ (safaid sirkah)
8)Soya Sauce          1 table spoon
9)Chili sauce         1 table spoon
10)Water                 4 glasses
11)Cornflour            3 Table spoons
12)Egg                      1 whole egg

Preparation method:

Take a deep pan and add water +chicken+salt+black pepper+cabbage+carrot+green onion+vinegar+soya sauce and chili sauce and cook it till the chicken is boiled and cooked. Then separate the chicken pieces and shred them in medium size. Now add them back and through the bones away. Now bring  it to boil once more. eat the egg in a separate bowl.and slowly add the egg in the boiling mixture and at the same time keep stirring the mixture. Now wait for 1 minute then add cornflour in half glass of normal water and mix it and add this in the boiling mixture and wait until it becomes thick.and keep it on low may add green chilies at the end and you may also add the green part of the green onion.your soup is ready.
Take this soup daily at lunch.


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