No-Carb Diet foods

FOODS YOU CAN EAT ON NO-CARB DIET: No carb diet as we all know that is a lot tougher in Asian countries to follow, as the carbs are the main source of food that they eat three times a day and also on special occasions there is massive use of carbohydrates in foods. If you want to lose weight you have to cut down the usage of carbs. This will definitely help you in losing weight. The basic limit of carb intake No-Carb is 20-30 carbs per day but you can enjoy other macronutrients as much as you want. Simply avoid all high carb foods as they will spike the insulin levels and are sources of fat restoration in your body. Let's see the high carb foods to avoid in No-Carb Diet: Whole Grains Refined grains Potato starch Corn  starch Milk Yogurt Fruits (except few berries) Bakery items Bread Sugar beverages Beans Legumes Pasta Peas Corn All underground vegetables( Like Turnip) List of foods to eat on the No-Carb diet: Meat Fish Chicken Eggs Cheese Butter Oil (not refined oils) Water Pai...

Reduce Waist Very Quickly In Few Weeks

     Reduce Waist Very Quickly In Few Weeks;
     Do these exercises regularly.
1)This exercise is really very good .you have to stand straight and then you have to lift your left arm and right leg and join them. Then do this with other arm and leg. Repeat this again and again.remember you have to keep your tummy stuck in. 

      2)  In this exercise you have to lie down straight on the floor and then fold your arms at the back of your head. And then fold your one leg and join your one folded arm with the folded leg like in the picture. Don’t unfold your arms and then repeat this with other leg do this for 5 times at 1st time and then start increasing the sets. Your legs should be 5 inch above the floor and likewise your head. While folding one leg keep the other lag straight. Join the opposite arm and leg.

3)In this exercise you have lay on the floor sideways. And then lift your one leg in the air and keep the other leg on the floor. Move your hanging leg up and down. Move it from floor to upright with 90 angle. Do it 10 times with one leg and then change your side and then do it with other leg. This will definitely reduce your waist very fast.

        4) Sit on the floor and wide open your legs and then fold your one leg inwards and then try to touch your one spreaded leg and keep the other arm in arch position above head. And keep this position for 30 secs and then repeat it with other leg. Do this for 5 -10 times a time. 

     5) In this exercise lay down on the floor and then raise your back and keep your arms straight on the floor and held your breadth.and count 1-10 in your heart and then relax your body and lay down again.then again raise your back in air and stretch your body and don’t inhale or exhale. This will reduce your bum and waist line.

6) In this exercise lay at the floor facing down and then raise your front body with the help of arms and keep your lower body rested on the knees and raise your feet above. And then do the push ups. At least 10 times in 1 time.keep your stomach stuck in and do it regular.

7) Lay down on the floor like in the picture and then raise your upper body part with the help of arms and keep your face facing ceiling. And stretch your legs keeping them on the floor. And hold your breath. And then relax your body and then again raise your body like in picture.


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