No-Carb Diet foods

FOODS YOU CAN EAT ON NO-CARB DIET: No carb diet as we all know that is a lot tougher in Asian countries to follow, as the carbs are the main source of food that they eat three times a day and also on special occasions there is massive use of carbohydrates in foods. If you want to lose weight you have to cut down the usage of carbs. This will definitely help you in losing weight. The basic limit of carb intake No-Carb is 20-30 carbs per day but you can enjoy other macronutrients as much as you want. Simply avoid all high carb foods as they will spike the insulin levels and are sources of fat restoration in your body. Let's see the high carb foods to avoid in No-Carb Diet: Whole Grains Refined grains Potato starch Corn  starch Milk Yogurt Fruits (except few berries) Bakery items Bread Sugar beverages Beans Legumes Pasta Peas Corn All underground vegetables( Like Turnip) List of foods to eat on the No-Carb diet: Meat Fish Chicken Eggs Cheese Butter Oil (not refined oils) Water Pai...

Nose Sharpening and Slimming

Nose Sharpening and Slimming

There are different types of noses. Some are flat some are looped some are fat some are small and many many other types but the most attractive nose is the one which is slim and sharp and having beautiful tip as well. As we notice that all the film actors and models have mostly this type of nose and their face looks so beautiful with that. People have invented so may equipment and treatments to slim the nose and some actually have done nose job but it's risky, expensive and painful.

 I will tell you some exercises and some yoga poses to make your nose look slim and sharp and high.They actually work if you repeat them all the day for many times. Your face have so many muscles and if your nose shape is changed your face shape is automatically changed and you will look attractive. It will also bring positivism in you.


1. Place your index fingers on both sides of your nostrils and insert pressure but keep the pressure low as there must be a space to breath.Now keeping your index fingers on the nostrils , exhale with little pressure. this will activate the muscles around your nose and will lift it

2. Place your index finger under your nose and apply a firm pressure as if your are lifting nose and do this 20 to 30 times . You can do this exercise many times a day.This will help to raise the droopy noose.Lift your nose and release again lift and release again lift and release  do this at medium speed. Don't be too fast and too slow.

3. You  may also do nose contractions. Just sit straight and don't move your face and contract your nose then relax again contract your nose muscles and the again relax do this many time as much as you can.

4. There is also a very good yoga exercise for slimming face. Place right hand thumb on the right side of the nostril and inhale from the left side of the nose. now hold the breadth for seconds. Now before exhaling close the left nostril and release the right nostril and exhale instantly. Do same procedure with left nostril.


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